Salesforce Marketing Cloud Certification:


Salesforce marketing cloud training is designed to streamline marketing processes, improve customer engagement, and drive better ROI. Duckman Academy helps you develop your channels and campaign performance which makes it the best Salesforce marketing course trainer in Mumbai.

You can readily create significantly impactful growth for business with the help of Salesforce Marketing Cloud training. We are identified a unified solution to make your marketing game stand out from the competition! We have designed a Salesforce Marketing Cloud certification course which would build on your marketing experience.

What will you learn from this course?

This course covers a wide range of topics:

  • Introduction to Salesforce Marketing Cloud 
  • Understanding the Ecosystem of Salesforce Marketing Cloud 
  • Creating Email Campaigns in Email Studio 
  • Managing Email Campaigns in Email Studio 
  • Designing customer journeys with Journey Builder 
  • Managing customer journeys with Journey Builder 
  • Establishing workflows in Automation Studio 
  • Advertising Studio for social media ad campaigns

And many more such interesting topics…

Key Outcomes:

This course can help you master Salesforce Marketing. With the help of this course it provides a platform to design, implement, manage personalised and automated campaigns across many departments including :

  • Mobile Marketing Administration: We will teach you how to curate and send SMS and push notifications through Mobile Studio. 
  • Managing Social Media Ad Campaigns: We will teach, in detail, how to integrate ad campaigns on social media using Advertising Studio. 
  • Customer Data Management: With the help of Audience Studio it will be able to collect, segment, and target customer data for more accurate marketing. 
  • Customer Journey Blueprint: We will elaborate on automating customer interactions using Journey Builder. It will be based on their behaviours and preferences.
  • Integration of Salesforce CRM with marketing: We will teach you to use and sync data between Marketing Cloud and Salesforce CRM. This will improve your marketing strategies. 
  • Best Practices Application: We will teach you industry-best practices and real-world case studies. They will boost your marketing effectiveness. 

Best-fit participants:

If you are a Digital Strategist trying to level up your marketing game, perhaps a campaign manager who wants to gain higher insights, a marketing professional who wants to skyrocket your campaign game? We’re just what you need!

This course is for all those individuals who want to develop their career in digital marketing and get recognized professionally for the same. We definitely have got you covered!

This course is primarily aimed at leveraging your skills and helping you to reach higher peaks in your marketing journey! 

Don’t miss out- get started now!

Stand out with us:

  • Job Placement Assistance 
  • Assured Certification 
  • Interview Preparation 
  • Personalised Mentorship 
  • Recorded sessions to make your understanding better
  • Live classes and webinars 
  • Get 1 year free access to our resources